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When you want for you to open packs for fut 16 coins

wendy88 posted @ 2016年3月29日 14:25 in Uncategorized with tags When you want for you to open packs for fut 16 coins , 74 阅读
When you want for you to open packs, remember how shit they're and how annoyed you receive afterwards for wasting money with them, remember what $40 can get you outside of Buy Fut 16 Coins games. Think of what you could've bought using the $400 you've spent up to now too, think of how you may have bought x amount of games or where you could've gone. Write down how much you've invested in FIFA somewhere near exactly where you play, some place you'll see when you find yourself playing the game therefore you can't ignore it.
Try to stay far from YouTube videos involving pack openings as well, don't tempt yourself. Same goes for this kind of place, try to spend a smaller amount time here/ignore pack launching threads.
If you still want to open packs, open bronze packs as an alternative, especially at this time with the year when the ToTW is constructed of mostly silver and bronze cards.
This post is essential to the future regarding FUT. I'm sure EA gets 1000s of parents complaining to them about this game and how this promotes gambling, addiction etc. i think this why they must do something in FUT 16 and change the amount Fifa coins you obtain from actually playing the game. Win or lose you need to get way more then 400 coins a game title. It's ridiculous this bad kid spending all his money with this game. EA DO THE RIGHT THING PREVENTING BEING GREEDY!
I was nearly within the same boat as people, started playing FUT this past year and loved the joy of opening packs. I probably spent about $100 approximately early on and My partner and i was very disappointed in what I had created gotten back. Fast forward to the globe Cup mode, and I ended wasting about 750k of my personal earned coins through trading on the WC packs.
I got a better return about the WC players, but absolute garbage within the 5k packs in the standard FUT mode(To clarify for those that weren't around FIFA this time around last year, every World Cup packages had a voucher for just a 5k redeemable pack throughout regular FUT). My packs were so bad that we actually made myself stop and maintain the 200k I had remaining. From that point in, I pretty much got over my own, personal pack addiction. I've probably opened 40 gold packs at most of the this year, all through cheap Fifa sixteen coins and spent only $10 in real cash.
Whatever happened has occurred, you won't get your $400 back, but just take this like a lesson and remind yourself how bad the worth you get in return from packs is and also go from there.

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